
Total Joint Replacement

Cabot PT is your premiere destination for expert physical therapy services tailored specifically for total joint replacement. With a rich legacy of serving the Cabot community since 1989, we take pride in our commitment to providing exceptional care and rehabilitation to individuals undergoing joint replacement surgeries. Our team of highly skilled and experienced physical therapists understand the unique challenges that come with total joint replacement and are dedicated to guiding you through a comprehensive and personalized recovery journey.

At Cabot PT, we believe in a patient-centered approach, where each individual receives specialized attention to address their specific needs and goals. Whether you've undergone a hip, knee, or shoulder replacement, our team is here to support you in regaining strength, mobility, and function. Trust Cabot PT to be your partner in achieving a successful and smooth recovery from total joint replacement, as we continue our tradition of excellence in serving the Cabot community with compassion and expertise.

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